The reuse and recycling of building materials is a proven industry gaining momentum across Colorado and the US. Diverting C&D materials makes significant impacts to local waste diversion, landfill air space, carbon capture, and creating economic resiliency in our local communities. Recycle Colorado is thrilled to present this toolkit as a guide to public entities providing resources, tips, and tools as they pursue sustainable built environment diversion goals. The toolkit is the result of a collaborative effort across multiple organizations, agencies, and individuals dedicated to developing diversion markets and pushing for better building practices and solutions. View and download the toolkit by clicking on the image to the left or button below.
If you have any questions or would like to make additions to the toolkit, please contact Emily Freeman ([email protected]), C&D Council Chair or Ally Byzewski ([email protected]), Recycle Colorado Staff.
Construction, Demolition, and Deconstruction Toolkit Webinar
Take a dive into the recently developed Construction and Deconstruction Toolkit with updates from communities around Colorado including: Summit County, Steamboat Springs, Lakewood, Denver-Waste No More, and Boulder.