Submit your Nominations for a Recycling or Composting Award Recipient

Awards Winners from 2024Every year, Recycle Colorado seeks nominations for our annual Recycling & Composting Awards. These prestigious awards recognize governmental entities, individuals, companies, media and organizations for their excellence in recycling and composting. Award winners are honored at our annual Summit for Recycling Awards Gala. 

If you know someone who you feel should be honored for their efforts in any of the awards categories below, please submit your nomination online by clicking the button below.

The deadline to submit is May 2nd, 2025 by 5:00pm.

Award Winners will be notified the second week in May and be given free registration to the Awards Gala at this year's Summit on June 4th in Grand Junction, CO.

Nominate an Award Recipient
2025 Awards Information

Along with recognition at the Summit for Recycling, award winners receive a physical recycling or composting award. Awards are made from upcycled computer circuit boards by our premiere Award Creator, TechWears. 

TechWears2023 Awards

Award categories for the 2025 Recycling and Composting Awards

2024 Award Categories

Nominate an Award Recipient