The 2023 Sustainable Materials Management Region 8 Grant is open!
EPA Region 8 is soliciting applications that address the national and regional priority of decreasing the environmental impact of materials with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs, EPA Overview of Greenhouse Gases). This funding opportunity is designed to both decrease materials generated (source reduction) and increase the diversion of materials through reuse, recycling, and other strategies. Applications must directly benefit at least one of the EPA Region 8 States (Colorado, North Dakota, Montana, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming) or one of the 28 tribal nations in the Region.
Please see full details and apply at
04/06/2023 - Issuance of RFA
04/17/2023 - Informational Webinar at 9:00 – 10:30 MST – We will send a reminder email with a link to the webinar before the event!
05/22/2023 - Application Submission Deadline
06/21/2023 - Approximate Date for EPA to Notify Applicants of Results
10/03/2023 - Approximate Date of Award
Estimated Total Funding: $45,000
Award Maximum: $25,000 (Granting 1 to 2 Awards)
Award Minimum: $10,000
NO Required Cost Sharing or Matching