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Snack & Share
Thursday, August 15, 2024, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM MDT
Category: Recycle Colorado Event

Join us during your lunch hour to network, learn, and have fun with the Recycle Colorado membership! 

Each month we will host a spotlight presentation which will allow you to learn about the various industries and recyclers across Colorado. RSVP below to be added onto the calendar invites. All members and non-members are invited to attend.

Spotlight Presentation: Compostable Product Labeling Updates with CDPHE's Mellik Gorton

Effective July 1st, 2024, SB23-253 the Standards for Products Represented as Compostable, requires food service products and plastic products labeled as compostable sold or distributed in Colorado to be certified compostable and to be clearly marked as such. Producers of non-certified compostable products are prohibited from using misleading labeling that could imply the product is compostable. 

To learn more about the program please visit the CDPHE’s Compostable Product Labeling webpage or join us for our August Snack & Share to get your questions answered!

Check out the upcoming Snack & Share presentations
Watch previous recordings of presentations