2024 Lobby DayRecycle Colorado Lobby Day

Each year, Recycle Colorado staff, members, and volunteers head to the Colorado Capitol to meet with legislators to discuss legislation and recycling, composting and Zero Waste challenges with legislators. This is a way for anyone who wants to support new waste initiatives and meet with their Senator and Representative to have the opportunity to spend the day at the capitol. Materials and training is provided each year and newbies are encouraged to join. 

Why should you consider lobbying with us?
Lobbying is a mechanism where all voices are heard by elected officials. Although many people focus on the lobbying efforts of large corporations, the impact of grass-roots lobbying should not be overlooked. Lobbying is a form of advocacy that allows you as a citizen, employee, or member of ours work together to support something you care about. Seize the opportunity to directly talk to legislators around the issues that are important to you and your state by joining Recycle Colorado’s lobby day where we share our vision for a less wasteful Colorado. Members from local government, large corporations, individuals, or small nonprofits all have a role as we speak to our legislators, so we hope you will join us.

2025 Lobby Day: March 4th!

Register for 2025 Lobby Day

This year, Recycle Colorado’s Lobby Day will be held on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. You will see some new features to the program for 2025. In addition to the scheduled appointment and meetings with legislators, Lobby Day this year will include:

- A legislator breakfast at the Capitol
- Exhibit opportunities at the Capitol
- A keynote luncheon
- Recognition opportunities with Legislators

For the 2025 Legislative Session, Recycle Colorado is partnering with the National Waste and Recycling Association (NWRA), to advance an extended producer responsibility program for small and medium format batteries as a measure to keep them out of the diversion stream and reduce the safety risks that they cause.

Save the Date for Lobby Day
Recycle Colorado Policy Information

Sponsor Lobby Day
We are asking for your help in obtaining supplies, catering, or monetary support for Recycle Colorado’s Lobby Day.

2025 Lobby Day Sponsorship Options

What do Sponsors Receive?
Sponsors will have their logo displayed on the Recycle Colorado website and on a sign displayed during the Lobby Day reception. A social media post will be shared to thank sponsors for their contribution. Sponsors will also have the opportunity to interact with volunteers and legislators.

Sponsor Recycle Colorado Lobby Day

2024 Lobby Day

Snowy Lobby DayWhat did we lobby on in 2024?
Producer Responsibility for Paper & Packaging Products approval by the joint budget commission
Waste Tire Management Enterprise Bill (SB24-123)
CDPHE Colorado Circular Communities Enterprise Fund (C3E)

2024 Legislative Resources for Legislators
Recycle Colorado Legislator Handout
Lobby Day Volunteer Online Resources
Volunteer Information Packet

Thank you to our Sponsors & Support

Swire Coca-Cola WMRepublic Services Vail Resorts
Compost Colorado TPS Mile High Workshop ForteCreative Taste Charcuterie


A special thanks to our support team who made Lobby Day 2024 a success!
Randy Moorman, Brandy Moe, Jenifer Freeman, Amelia Kovacs, Kimberly Lavender, and Adam Hill