DOE Announces a Consumer Electronics Battery Recycling Funding Opportunity

On June 12, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy announced a $125 million funding opportunity for recycling, reprocessing, and battery collection authorized by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to grow and secure America’s battery supply chain. Projects funded through this opportunity will:  

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Goldfinch is looking for a Summer Intern

Goldfinch is a Denver based Recycling Company. They are looking to hire a part time paid intern for the summer. 

Read more about this opportunity and learn how to apply!

Sustainability Specialist opening with the Town of Eagle

The Town of Eagle, a dynamic, recreation-oriented, and growing community, has an excellent opportunity for a skilled and proven Sustainability Specialist.

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Learn more about Waste Interceptors

Philip Griffith is a new Recycle Colorado member, looking to make an impact in the state. Using his waste WIN -waste interception now - methodology he has been able to cut the waste bill on a test property in half. They have then invested that savings in recycling. It more than pays for itself. He could cut the waste bill in half again. One of the highlights, is the capacity to intercept shrink wrap and all forms of film, Styrofoam, pallets and just about anything that ends up in the dumpster but has a recycling answer.

Learn more about his processes by watching his Green Team video!

The District of Columbia Department of Public Works is seeking a Program Manager

The District of Columbia Department of Public Works is seeking a Program Manager for the Office of Waste Diversion, also known as the Zero Waste DC Team. The Program Manager is responsible for leading the District’s efforts to achieve an 80% solid waste diversion rate through the design, implementation, and evaluation of waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting policies, programs, and infrastructure. The incumbent leads a team of zero waste professionals, coordinates across interagency and regional partnerships, and will implement the District’s strategic Zero Waste DC Plan, which will be released in Summer 2023. Competitive applicants will have experience implementing waste diversion programs and policies and leading teams and should possess strong communication skills and high emotional intelligence.

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2023 Summit for Recycling

2023 Summit for Recycling Events Archive

Click from the options to jump to a certain part of the page.

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RRS is seeking applications for a Consultant

RRS is seeking applications for a Consultant to work with a new and established clientele, working collaboratively within a project team. Projects may include:

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RFP Issued for Needs Assessment required by Colorado's Producer Responsibility Program

Circular Action Alliance has released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for parties interested in conducting the Needs Assessment required by Colorado’s Producer Responsibility Program for Statewide Recycling Act. The RFP is available on bidsUSA and closes on June 30, 2023.

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RFP Issued for Needs Assessment required by Colorado's Producer Responsibility Program

Circular Action Alliance has released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for parties interested in conducting the Needs Assessment required by Colorado’s Producer Responsibility Program for Statewide Recycling Act. The RFP is available on bidsUSA and closes on June 30, 2023.

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Compost Awareness Week Proclaimed in 2023

This year, Governor Jared Polis signed the proclamation to make May 7th-13th Compost Awareness Week in Colorado. Members of the Colorado Composting Council banded together to help write the proclamation and get it submitted. We are so proud to have a governor that supports our composting and recycling initiatives!

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CDPHE appoints first Producer Responsibility Organization in the nation for statewide recycling of packaging and paper

REMOTE (May 1, 2023): The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has appointed Circular Action Alliance as the Producer Responsibility Organization in charge of implementing Colorado’s new statewide recycling program created under the Producer Responsibility Program for Statewide Recycling Act. 

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Apply for the Solid Waste Analyst Position with Pitkin County

Performs research and analytical work for the landfill, in the areas of cost management, performance benchmarking, and action plan tracking.  Also assists with planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating programs, practices, policies, and systems to provide recommendations on workload balancing and increase process efficiencies. 

Read the full Job Description and Apply!

FRWD Grant Application is Live!

Have a project with significant waste diversion impacts in the Front Range of Colorado? We’re excited to offer a grant cycle focused on construction and demolition (C&D) waste diversion and reduction, organic waste projects, and recycling infrastructure and collection projects. With up to $5 million in funding, the FRWD Board of Directors is eager to support projects focused on advancing the circular economy through high-impact waste diversion initiatives.

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Colorado's Youth Dig into their Creativity to Create Compost Art!

The 16th Annual Recycle Colorado Poster Contest kicked off in March this year and was very successful! This years theme was "Colorado Loves Clean Compost which asked students to help us illustrate why composting is important to our state and the people who live in it. We received over 160 poster submissions from 24 different school across the state. We love to see the creativity the kids bring each year, whether its from our up and coming digital graphic designers, or classic marker, paint and crayon artists, to the realists who used compostable and non-compostable items to demonstrate what they have learned. 

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Be the next Zero Waste Strategic Advisor with the Boulder County Resource Conservation Division

In this role, you will have the unique opportunity to directly manage the development of zero-waste programs and infrastructure projects related to compost, construction & demolition recycling (C&D), hard-to-recycle materials, and hazardous waste. As our Zero Waste Strategic Advisor, you will play a critical role in helping to reduce waste disposal, protect the environment, and conserve natural resources in Boulder County. Your expertise will be relied upon to coordinate with elected officials and departments and provide core services required to complete projects successfully. 

Apply and Learn more about this role!

Sowing seeds of self-growth: Muhammad Khan finds community in volunteering

DENVER — For Muhammad Khan, Colorado soil is a far more formidable foe than the loamy pastures of his home in Lahore, Pakistan. Still, welcoming the challenge, Khan flicks seeds over his green thumb onto the frozen topsoil of his backyard and hopes for the moisture of late March snows to brace his garden against the approaching summer sun.

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Boulder County seeking an Administrative Technician

Boulder County Public Works department is seeking to hire an Administrative Technician. Boulder County is a Zero Waste leader that prioritizes achieving economic, environmental, and social goals through effective management of waste diversion facilities and programs. This position is a key component in our ongoing growth of waste diversion programs in Boulder County by meeting our customers' needs and supporting our Resource Conservation Division on a variety of projects. 

Learn more and apply: Administrative Technician

New Bill Passes Colorado Senate on Bipartisan Vote to Chart Path to Capture Food Scraps & Yard Trimmings Before They Go to the Landfill

DENVER—Currently, Colorado is needlessly filling up its landfills with food scraps and yard trimmings, magnifying climate impacts while foregoing economic benefits. When landfilled, this material produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Instead, it could be going to much
more beneficial uses.

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Region 8 Sustainable Materials Management Grant - APPLY NOW

The 2023 Sustainable Materials Management Region 8 Grant is open!

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RREO Recycling Rebate: Now accepting Applications!

The purpose of this RREO rebate is to assist free public recycling drop-off sites by offsetting a portion of the transportation costs incurred by shipping recyclables to market or to a processing center. The rebate period covers costs incurred by drop-off sites from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022.

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