New Programs for CO Composters & Munis

The Composting Consortium is an initiative of Closed Loop Partners’ Center for the Circular Economy. Their mission is to increase food waste diversion and the collection/recovery of food-contact compostable packaging. Two of their new platforms/projects that launched this week which may be of interest to you, your team, Colorado composters and Colorado municipalities.

  • Composter Innovator Program: This Program brings full-scale composters to the table to play an active role in shaping the future of the industry on topics like contamination, policy, financing, and scaling food waste composting infrastructure. Over the next 2 years, the Program will undertake a series of small projects. The first project is a collaborative analysis to identify the cost of processing compostable packaging at compost facilities who receive these materials. The Consortium will use this data to offer insights on how EPR funds can support composting infrastructure in-line with EPR plan objectives, aiming to increase funding for the composting sector.
  • Municipal Partnership Platform: a free-to-access platform for city officials focused on sustainability, zero waste and waste management. The platform connects officials with leaders nationwide to share and discuss best practices in starting and expanding organics collection and infrastructure programs. Municipalities of all sizes and stages of development are invited to reach out to the Composting Consortium to explore ways the network can help them achieve their goals of diverting food waste from landfills.

They would love Colorado counties, cities and composters to know that they have a personal invitation to join our new platforms. More details on both can be found in the links above. If you’re interested to discuss further, please email [email protected] to setup a call to chat!

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